07751 606 466

David Dewhurst, MA, CA
David is a Professional Accountant with over 30 years Experience in Finance
When I started in the financial industry the systems and legislation were very different to the technological world we live in today. From early in my career I worked in the competitive profit sector. I was involved in selecting banking software and putting systems and processes in place to optimise the performance and efficiency of the organisation. Since then I have moved into the not for profit sector, adding additional tools to my skill-set as I navigated the world of donations, gift-aid and working with overseas charities. I have lead transformational change in the businesses I have been a part of and I am now keen to help businesses achieve their financial goals.
I have a Master of Arts from the University of Aberdeen in accountancy and achieved my Chartered Accountancy qualifications whilst working for Deloitte Haskins & Sells (now PWC). Since then I have continued to seek professional development in business accounting and making sure I keep up to date with the latest rules and regulations.